Аутор Тема: Постаните део тима - траже се преводиоци!  (Прочитано 419 пута)

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Ван мреже Martina

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Постаните део тима - траже се преводиоци!
« послато: јул 16, 2015, 14:12:33 поподне »
Конкурс за преводиоцe

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Српски тим Империје Онлајн тражи 2 преводиоца за српски језик. Сви заинтересовани могу превести текстове који се налазе на крају вести и послати превод на support_rs@imperiaonline.org са насловом - Конкурс за преводиоца.


Морате задовољавати следеће услове:

- Живети у земљи за коју се јављате
- Изворни сте говорник тог језика
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- Познавање игре и правила игре (Imperia Online / Imperial Hero)
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Оценићемо превод и узети 2 преводиоца, под условом да преводи буду задовољавајући. Одабрани играчи ће бити обавештени путем е-поште.

Преводиоци ће бити награђени дијамантима!

Напомена! Молим, не шаљите преводе који су направљени са google преводиоцем јер неће бити узети у обзир.

Хвала!  :)

Рок за слање:
- Своје текстове можете слати до 15.09.2015. године.

Текстови за превод:

Imperia Online

1. The number of siege engines (without Battering rams), firing the wall, depends on Fortress' level. Even if you send more siege machines, only the number allowed by the Fortress level will fire. The higher the Fortress level is, the more siege machines can fire at the wall. The number of siege machines that can attack one Fortress level, is 4. Siege machines can be of one type or of different types. If you send more machines than the number allowed by the Fortress level, the ones with the biggest attack strength will charge. If they get destroyed in the battle, the next ones with biggest attack strength will take their places. Trebuchets are the strongest - 6000, then Catapults - 3000, and the weakest are Ballistae - 2500. Thus, their order of appearance in the siege is as follows: 1. Trebuchets, 2. Catapults, 3. Ballistae. The limit of the number of siege machines does not refer to Battering rams.

2. A research which lets the player spy out territories around the capital and look for terrains with special resource, enemy colonies, military and trading posts, as well as rally points. The intelligence missions are conducted by the spies in menu Espionage >> Field intelligence. Each level increases the perimeter of intelligence with 5 points, the highest level is 20. One spy performs an intelligence mission at a range of 3,14 points for one hour. The time needed for N number of spies to perform field investigation in a range of X points is estimated as follows: (X^2 / N), where the result is the time of the intelligence mission, estimated in hours.

3. Military economist: a smaller upkeep of the whole army. Level 1: 4% reduction; Level 2: 10%; Level 3: 20%

4. At the beginning all generals have 1st level experience and the gubernatorial headquarters are at level 0. The player can raise the level of experience of his generals by gathering points by leading battles or by paying for their training. In order to provide paid training the user needs to construct the Headquarters. If the player wants to train a general from 1st level to 2nd level, he must have level 1 of the building. For further upgrade of his generals, he needs higher level of the building.

5. Every Great Person after turning 16 years old can marry someone and after that have up to 4 children born. The members of the family tree cannot enter into marriage with each other (with their relatives). This is valid also for noblemen from the list 'Other relatives of the Imperial family'. Once a marriage is settled it is irreversible. This means that when a user marries one Great person to another there is no way this marriage can be cancelled. If one of the spouses dies, the other receives the social status widow/widower and cannot enter into marriage again.
The Great people who have the necessary age for marriage are colored in yellow, and those to whom they can marry - in blue. The color is visible when you click on their portrait. Once a marriage between two empires is concluded, it means that the users have made peace and mustn't attack or spy each other.

6. It can be annexed peacefully. There are no buildings, army, nor villagers. The terrains have different bonuses and occupy 4 points on the map.

7. Independent free terrains may occupy up to 4 points on the map. Thus, it is possible that the newly annexed province/founded colony will spread on several terrains with different bonuses. In this case, upon annexing, the player must select the type of terrain and respectively - the bonus for the dominion.

Imperial Hero

1. Chester has been known to serve any who pays his fee. Usually Sir Markus makes use of his services, but currently someone else has given him a task. We cannot risk that the target is Lady Emilia. You better pay a visit to the Goldwood Tavern.

2. Due to recent events several threats have been made to Lady Goldenfield. This is not unusual, but having in mind the Sage is behind it, we must take every precaution. The first target is Elric Sandstorm - a dangerous cutthroat from Imperial Karaganda. He has been seen to frequent the Windmill lately...

3. Lady Emilia has expressed a desire to revisit the Mountain gate. You are to assist as usual, yet this time you are not to reveal anything to anyone else. Could you be trusted?

4. Another organization that wishes to learn of the past is the Buried Light Society. It is composed of nobles, merchants, even members of the Imperial family. Members keep their identity secret, yet if it is for the good of the society they act together searching for answers. Want more? You know what to do.

5. You really must save me! Sir Constantine is furious! I fear he must have mistaken my practices for other, less savory... Maybe demonstrating that I have nothing to do with pagan ritual will appease him? Perhaps you could demonstrate my willingness by taking care of some cultists for me?

6. Wonderful, simply wonderful! Your actions have definitely noticed by the nobles. Now is the perfect moment to seek out a witness to ensure sir Constantine that I had nothing to do with evil rituals and the such! Maybe start at Bunar Hills? There are witnesses to everything there.

7. Catastrophe! A few people I knew have been spreading lies about me... And since they are involved in the occult the nobles might wrongly associate me with them! I'll pay heavily if you could deal with the problem quickly. The first person is a Soldier named Grump. In truth he is a practicer of forbidden arts, so no one will mourn his death.
« Последња измена: август 10, 2015, 13:43:44 поподне Martina »

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