Аутор Тема: Obustavljena proizvodnja  (Прочитано 967 пута)

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Ван мреже SrbHristov

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Obustavljena proizvodnja
« послато: октобар 26, 2014, 09:16:19 пре подне »
У тактичком свету 129 многи играчи се жале да немају производњу у царству.
Да ли је такав случај у другим световима?

Ван мреже Normal

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Одг: Obustavljena proizvodnja
« Одговор #1 послато: октобар 26, 2014, 12:30:18 поподне »
Баг вероватно, видео сам да је био и проблем са обуком војске,,,,ако не реше тај проблем данас онда ћемо видети сутра са Мартином о чему се ради . 


Srpski Global Moderator

Ван мреже Igor_...

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Одг: Obustavljena proizvodnja
« Одговор #2 послато: октобар 26, 2014, 21:38:56 поподне »
"hello there everybody ! dear admins and community managers!

now I play v6, but I guess its happened at all the realms both v5 and v6. because of the clock settings. those who was online tonight they all get their 1 hour production and population grow in every 6 seconds for 1 hour ( they only needed to push any activity in the game and bring resources from every provs to capital. ) ...it means those who was online they get incredible amount of resources and population grow!! but most of the ppl sleep because there was attack suspension. but who was online they gained very very big advantage. how can we race up them this way? doesn't matter you buy diamonds or not, they get so big preferences!! for example 1 of my opponents grew 1.1M points in 1 hour. from the gained population he trained army I am pretty sure, then he went on vacation, then 2 days later he will come back with 3 times bigger army than he had before. he just need to mobilize from training. and he got this advantage in 1 hour !!! and of course I am not the only one who facing this problem, bug or I dont know how to call this error. but we who sleep suffered big disadvantage !! its not fair !! my question is the following, how you will compensate all that players who was not online? because 72 hours casket is not enough, they get more than 72 hours production...! my suggestion is that, compensate all players at all realms who was not online. you can check this who was active and who was inactive. because I don't think so you will cut back their advance, because you cannot check all things what was spent. so not to take back, but give to those who was not online. another example, in my realm there is a player who grew 7M !!! points in 1 hour... are you joking maaan? *hahaha*

thanks for your attention, I am waiting for the answers "

Ван мреже Martina

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Одг: Obustavljena proizvodnja
« Одговор #3 послато: октобар 27, 2014, 16:59:28 поподне »
У питању је баг који је проузрокован променом времена. Тим Империје Онлајн тренутно процењује штету. Бићете накнадно обавештени o ситуацији.
« Последња измена: октобар 27, 2014, 20:31:57 поподне Martina »

Srpski Community Manager

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