Your facts are different then your screenshots, you believe your own lies,
the screenshot shown that 75% of the top 20 players are your members,
since you started an new alliance you invited all of them, so where am I'm lying if I tell you that you won cause you invited
any top player that matters?
It just shown that they are all medal hunters, and you are just using their greed to form an big alliance to win the era...
it's not something to brag about since it's not a impressive accomplishment, and you sure did not have to make false announcements
about me since you don't know me,
your just mad cause someone telling you the truth, just stop making yourself look like a fool,
or send a suggestion to IO where they had out medals for alliances who invite the most players
my little pathetic friend you have problem but for such things there are some drugs and some doctors, my knowlege of that part of medicine is not so good so please go and ask professional help
and yes, we like medals, this is a game and in every game people play to winn, some of pathetic characters like you try to explain personal failure in the game as their as their lack of interest in fighting for castles
and all pathetic and impotent player like you only see in this game war and fight, and you fail every time,
and my little pathetic friend, in war second place means nothing, winner take all, I understand your frustration my little pathetic friend only participate on the side of the defeated leaves a bad feeling and it is one of the sources of your frustration