6.191 - Stenlyfl - Can someone explain me how to spy that user AliAydin - I had tried everything - the window is just loading but can not send spies or whatever - why we need a counter spy if we can just use this bug - it doesn't happen for first time the last era was the same - and always with the Turkish players there is something rely wrong here if someone can spy this guy or just open the window for spying to tell me I am out of ideas.
за Българските админи - и миналата ера и тази този бъг дразни всички аз наглеждам 4 различни акаунта пробвах през всичките никои не може да отвори прозореца за шпионаж. Ако не го ударя тази вечер ми се прецаква стратегията не е честно така
It is going to be checked and we are going to let you know about the bug. Thanks for reporting!
PC: You don't have to write in Bulgarian. This is international forum.