i want to thank the forum team for their attention to realm 64 , the subject that we got a player that reached 250 k points in the first three weeks game time ( which is impossible for permium and diamond users players, we have the turks and bulgarians and greeks all are using diamonds and permium and they are below her with at least 450 k points to 650 k points ) and after many complains the forum stuff did nothing .which made that player heading us with 250 k points and she took good advantage from that after she cheated for four weeks she stopped cheating as nothing happened .
she destroyed my army 2 times with massive pillages but i got on my feet until today i was nearly 1 million points and she was 1,35 million points and she got my army by the strangest way i have ever seen , my army was in colony with fort lvl 6 and i set the retreat button so my army be safe if i got attacked but she sent small attacks 6 attacks simeltanous and sent massive pillage on main province , the question here how she know that iam offline , how she know that i set the retreat button , HOW SHE KNOW THAT I WILL NOT BE ONLINE ON THAT TIME OR IAM NOT BACK DURING HER ATTACKS , HOW SHE KNOW THAT THE 6 HOURS BREAK IS NOT FINISHED AND I HAVE TO WAIT 1 HOUR TO LOG ONTO MY ACCOUNT ,i humbly ask for any forum stuff members that still has brain and judge to see and check on her attacks on me and tell me how she did that with normal pure playing , that makes us reach the end dear friends iam a doctor that suffered imbarresing moments cause i was so active in game and neglected my work and my personal life so after 4 years playing and being active it must end now . this is not crying letter but it is good bye letter i used to win and lose but not by this way ( i didnt ever see something like that ) .
simply iam enemy to one guild POLAND almost 4 or 5 players of it play 2 accounts that is for sure and use bug and hacks to know when players are offline and when they r online may be new hacks .
i remember the best moment when i used to play with a bulgarian player called sound wave and slim they dont know that name but they know the other old account ( i will not mention his name ;-) ).
thank u krum for your effort , Tiger,yovana.
i know the bulgarians players are tough players as a hard rock i hope they take control on realm 64 from the hands of the polish double accounting players
i hope u all have a good life and nice time