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I will fight to change the game even if it means I
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2010, 03:00:34 AM » |
Your melee and armour must be at an advanced level...... to use so few troops............very impressed......
my level ar armour is 6 and malee 5 ... higher levels is bad in this battle... i have 34% chance to flee. 
I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad.

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« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2010, 15:05:46 PM » |
there was smth wrong in this battle today against flinstoun... i have the necessary researches for all heavy troops, but i still lost the battle... calculator said that i am a winner in 20/20 battles. and still, nomads won, with moral 33.. wtf
" Ako vam je težak stijeg čestitosti, utaknite ga u zemlju i naše kosti će ga nositi..." Vaši branitelji
Karma: +5/-5
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I will fight to change the game even if it means I
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2010, 15:23:05 PM » |
there was smth wrong in this battle today against flinstoun... i have the necessary researches for all heavy troops, but i still lost the battle... calculator said that i am a winner in 20/20 battles. and still, nomads won, with moral 33.. wtf
post the battle... this in yours? http://nomads.imperiaonline.org/imperia/game/_addons/dokladi/?path=bitki/nomads_01/2010_9_27/19000011_19583996_12358
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 15:25:32 PM by yo10001 »
I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad.

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« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2010, 15:33:36 PM » |
yep, this is it.... how did you find it??? XD
" Ako vam je težak stijeg čestitosti, utaknite ga u zemlju i naše kosti će ga nositi..." Vaši branitelji
Karma: +5/-5
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I will fight to change the game even if it means I
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2010, 15:43:14 PM » |
yep, this is it.... how did you find it??? XD
http://nomads.imperiaonline.org/imperia/game/nomads_final.php?sort=P_NOMER&order=ASC&realm=1click on flinstoun. nomads have 7 range and military medicine and 2 melee and armor and morale 105... u have 4 fortification (low) and not enough archers. enter data into the simulator to see that this is the correct result
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 15:44:12 PM by yo10001 »
I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad.
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Death and hell is coming
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2010, 15:48:32 PM » |
ive been running the calculator trying to figure out the best defence for the coming wave Spearmen - 12000 Archers - 4000 Swordsmen - 4000 Light Cavalry - 2000 Heavy archers - 2000 i was thinking of getting many swordmen because they are very effective against the archers and spearmen which is coming in large portions . but after experimenting with the calculator i realise that by getting a lot of swordmen ( 6000) plus other troops , it would been very expensive . But then i tried something  i realised that only a small amount of my cavalry was flanked, so i decided to get them all flanked with a few more spearmen and less swordmen. and to my surprise i won with ease , i used only 2000 swordmen with 3000 calvalry - all flanked and stronger this is the cheapest solution ive seen so far ( also take note that i had army left over from last defence so i decided to take them in account when calculating ) : spears 3000 h.spears 6000 h.archers 3000 sword: 1000 h.swords 1000 cavalry 3000 NETWORTH: 842,000 GOLDthis beats them with ease , i though i needed a lot of swords because i saw a lot of spears and archers , but you can simply get all your cavalry flanked and they would be 50% stronger . so at the end of the day its better to have a small amount of cavalry with all of them flanked than to have a large amount in the centre , getting them flanked is cheaper and they are stronger , win, win situation  WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ?
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 15:49:46 PM by tinodunks »
Behold the Pale Horse cometh, with death riding and hell following. Rev.6;7-8 
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« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2010, 16:10:27 PM » |
i have also thought the same (even though the attack to me is a little bigger) the only thing that worries me is the amount of troops i have in the last round (even though this changes) but it goes down to as little as 100 without archers
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 16:17:29 PM by belgarion »

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« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2010, 16:23:59 PM » |
my fortification was 7 ;P... and i use that old, offline calculator by Mony Dochev... i put that nomads have 7 range, 2 melee, 2 armor, 7 mil. med.... i have fortification 7, fort 5, 2400 archers and 400 cavalry inside... i have 7 melee, 7 range and 8 armor... try to calculate it, i just keep getting win win win win reports...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 16:32:35 PM by licancina »
" Ako vam je težak stijeg čestitosti, utaknite ga u zemlju i naše kosti će ga nositi..." Vaši branitelji
Karma: +5/-5
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I will fight to change the game even if it means I
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2010, 19:39:29 PM » |
my fortification was 7 ;P... and i use that old, offline calculator by Mony Dochev... i put that nomads have 7 range, 2 melee, 2 armor, 7 mil. med.... i have fortification 7, fort 5, 2400 archers and 400 cavalry inside... i have 7 melee, 7 range and 8 armor... try to calculate it, i just keep getting win win win win reports...
sorry they have 7/7/7/7 . 
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« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2010, 20:55:37 PM » |
sorry they have 7/7/7/7 .  hehe nevermind, its not important anymore anyway...  i was just curious and wanted to find out what was i calculating wrong 
" Ako vam je težak stijeg čestitosti, utaknite ga u zemlju i naše kosti će ga nositi..." Vaši branitelji
Karma: +6/-2
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Fear us as our wings blot out the sun
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2010, 07:03:19 AM » |
I am going for a small heavy division.....I have disbanded all my lights to assist heavy recruitment....am busy building big forts..  Heavy Spearmen = 4000........Heavy Archers = 2000....Heavy Swordsmen = 5000..........Heavy Cavalry = 2000 Using levels 7,7,7,7 and 24,000 Nomads against 13,000 imperians...................... no probs. This results in all heavy cavalry flanked and the nomads are all dead by round 15-16.......so no issues with morale........... So here's hoping I don't need to send any  ............. messages at the end.................... 
 If you have to go down..... go down deep 
Karma: +5/-5
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I will fight to change the game even if it means I
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2010, 08:20:39 AM » |
I am going for a small heavy division.....I have disbanded all my lights to assist heavy recruitment....am busy building big forts..   you made a mistake... you demobilized easy army, because heavy spearmen and swordsmen die anyway, with a heavy army you lose more points ... do a simulation... replaces heavy spearmen and swordsmen with the lighter.
I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad.
Karma: +6/-2
Posts: 16
Fear us as our wings blot out the sun
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2010, 10:07:30 AM » |
 you made a mistake... you demobilized easy army, because heavy spearmen and swordsmen die anyway, with a heavy army you lose more points ... do a simulation... replaces heavy spearmen and swordsmen with the lighter. If I replace my heavy spears and heavy swords with light.......... My troops are de-moralised and flee at round 17....... I lose the battle...... I am using the IO in-house battle calculator.....................
 If you have to go down..... go down deep 
Karma: +5/-5
Posts: 7
I will fight to change the game even if it means I
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2010, 10:34:38 AM » |
If I replace my heavy spears and heavy swords with light.......... My troops are de-moralised and flee at round 17....... I lose the battle......
I am using the IO in-house battle calculator.....................
oka... but you get the idea...is cheaper and lose less points. May only need to set configuration.
I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad. I will fight to change the game even if it means I do bad.