XAH main strategy. pillage, pillage, pillage, attack much weaker player, pillage, pillage, pillage, attack empty fort, pillage pillage . . . . . . . . .
Sarajevo fight
Result of that
Dupecmar(Sarajevo) Vs NIKO71(XAH_KPYM)
Dupecmar lost points 141331 Won gold 17531203 Won military points 19105
NIKO71 lost points 286095 Won military points 9422
Sorry Niko71
I honestly believe you are one damn good player and i always feel sorry when i kill army of good player.
By the way, who ever was babysitting your account could do nothing than to watch how i blow your army away. Ahh yes, he managed to kill few of my spies. I'm sure he had a lot of fun doing that.
Babysitting works when you fight against noobs. Those times are long gone.