As everyone know yet I´m playing a different style this era and i do it because I´ve got some ideas and theories and just want to know if it works or not and for the awesome fun of course

Inspired by Naylrod ( I miss you mate ) and by the godfather of pillaging makatas (godlon) i want to try something new and spice up the game because it´s gotten a little boring lately

I actually was exited

to see how other players would try to prevent me from pillaging them on a weekly base and was hoping for some nice little tactics they may invent

but so far it´s pretty disappointing only the well known hate messages (usually in Cyrillic or Turkish)

and a few cry babies begging for mercy

Maybe it is just laziness, stupidity or even jealousy that my allies and me and even some other players getting accused of multi accounting now

there are rumors that we (age) are just the 2nd accounts of some big players who wants to keep their hands clean and let “age” do the dirty work and some other bulls**t
It´s kind of amazing that people tend to believe someone is cheating only because he/she is doing something different and is actually quite successful at it instead of trying to stop him with the features the game offers
Something like “if this guy is better than me he/she must be a cheater” that is so sad

Anyway..... what i want to say is
I will pillage whole era everyone again and again

(besides friends of course) and i want you to stop me from doing it
I want to find out if a pillager could be more successful than a farmer or warrior...... that´s it.... no tricks no cheating just a different way of playing
So stop crying and accusing me and my friends, just play the game and find a way to stop me..... that would be fun