Imperia Online International

IO - The Great People => Realm 263 => Topic started by: SugarBritches on September 11, 2015, 20:27:48 PM

Title: Looting caskets for treasure?
Post by: SugarBritches on September 11, 2015, 20:27:48 PM
As far as I know, in the present age the English speaking only uses "caskets" to contain the corpses for burial.  Which is to say casket is now used as a synonym for coffin.
I know the dictionary has it also holding jewels but I have never read anything like that and I believe I would remember if "Mrs. Dalway placed her ring and necklace is her casket". 
The game has players winning prizes out of caskets, which makes sense in the #2 version of the word, I have never heard used.   
The idea of going to a "temple"-(should be "church" unless this medieval world is ruled by Jews, Muslims and Buddhists), to take treasure from caskets is more than a little bit macabre. 
The illustration is that of a chest, short for treasure-chest. I know a chest is also the top of the torso but this chest contains the heart, which some would say has value.

OK, the sun is about to come up so I better get back to my casket. 

Title: Re: Looting caskets for treasure?
Post by: Angela on September 15, 2015, 17:17:05 PM
Hello SugarBritches,

Thank you for your suggestion, I will forward it for a review.