Imperia Online International

IO - The Great People => Suggestions => Topic started by: MrPinstripeSuit on August 09, 2015, 22:27:05 PM

Title: Espionage
Post by: MrPinstripeSuit on August 09, 2015, 22:27:05 PM
I like to farm from my military post, but it gets a bit confusing after a while of what independent city to farm when you spy more as the distance isn't adjusted when you move between military post. So a good fix for this is to either adjust the distance and still have all the espionage in one list like how it is already.

 Or, you can have separate list from military post and provinces. So you could have 5 spy reports on mp1 and 7 spy reports on mp2 and 3 reports in province 1. And you can have an option to see all reports in the tab between espionage and counter espionage. Sorta like the rally tab where you can see all the troops in your empire.