Imperia Online International

World Cup => Questions => Topic started by: kingSolomen on May 25, 2015, 00:59:19 AM

Title: Battles
Post by: kingSolomen on May 25, 2015, 00:59:19 AM
I want to know why I lost a battle in a fortress siege,when there was no troops in the is that possible?

Title: Re: Battles
Post by: Starbuck on May 25, 2015, 10:02:11 AM
Hi KingSolomen

Battles in general (and sieges in particular) are won when two conditions are met :

1) all defending forces are killed or routed
2) before your own army is routed

Every round of combat, your Army loses Morale
in the case of sieges, this happens as your army tries to break the Walls to reach the Keep, whether you see troops in Garrison or not.
Look into the details of the Battle reports and check if your troops managed to break the Walls before they routed due to low Morale

You can also find other informations about battles (and sieges in particular) here :

Have fun,