Imperia Online International

IO - The Great People => Realm 177 => Topic started by: ahcem on January 01, 2015, 00:05:17 AM

Title: Building Calculator - No Military Arch. lvl. for Fortress calculation
Post by: ahcem on January 01, 2015, 00:05:17 AM
The Building Calculator does not include on the display any data for Military Architecture Level:

Is the calculator taking this data into account, and simply not displaying it?  
Or is it not including Military Architecture bonus?

If calculator is not including Military Architecture bonus, how can I calculate the effect?
From How To Play:
Military Architecture  

A research with effect on Fortresses. Decreases the necessary time for building Fortresses by 15% per level and increases the garrison number by 10% from the basis.

Does this mean I simply reduce by 15% the amount of time calculated by the calculator?  Or is the 15% from basic time, and if so, how can I calculate my building time... Same question for cost.  How to calculate correctly? *xxx*

 If I have correct formula, I can plug into spreadsheet and calculate myself.  I don't trust Building Calculator without it including Military Architecture level.

I need to decide how much to invest in Mil.Arch / Arch / Builders Guild to get F9 in shortest time and best cost.

Thanks for any help/advice you can give!  

Title: Re: Building Calculator - No Military Arch. lvl. for Fortress calculation
Post by: Angela on January 07, 2015, 17:17:48 PM
Hello ahcem,

The option to calculate the effects of the Military Architecture levels is not yet available in the Technology calculator. We are familiar with the problem, the option will be added soon.
Meanwhile, you can use the formula below to calculate the building time of the fortress:

BT/ (1 + 0,3 x levels of Architecture  + 0,15 x levels of Military architecture)

* BT is the base time necessary for building a fortress level, it is not affected by any of the researches. You can find out the basic building time for the current fortress level when you set zero values to Builders’ guild and Architecture levels in the Technology calculator.

Title: Re: Building Calculator - No Military Arch. lvl. for Fortress calculation
Post by: ahcem on January 07, 2015, 21:16:00 PM
Thank you, Angela...

I actually already found the basic reduction formula in an old Forum post relating to Version 1 (Sorry, should have found this before asking... but still wanted to report this bug anyway.)

That post also gave equation for determining Base Level from current rsch. levels and current build time.

I looked up the different reduction factors for V.6, and constructed a worksheet. 

Here it is, for the benefit of anyone else wanting to calculate:

I have confirmed it works with addition of Builder's Guild level in my empire, and will confirm in future as I gain additional Architecture and Military Architecture.


Sure would be nice if the IO programmers could add this in to the calculator, though. 

Title: Re: Building Calculator - No Military Arch. lvl. for Fortress calculation
Post by: Angela on January 08, 2015, 10:11:10 AM
Thank you ahcem. Yes, we'll add the option to the Technology calculator soon.