Imperia Online International

IO - The Great People => Realm 240 => Topic started by: mordu on August 27, 2014, 17:36:06 PM

Title: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: mordu on August 27, 2014, 17:36:06 PM
hello sir! i just want to ask you about something that happened to me while i attacked a player. the player is within my x2 range. he had only 2 ballistas defending his lvl7 fort. after round 2 he lost all his seige engines. everything was going well until round 8. all my melee troops just ran away for no reason. the morale was still at 68 so how come they ran away? i lost because they ran away. is this a bug? please help.

Title: Re: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: Muwe on August 27, 2014, 21:17:51 PM
Hi there,

Please post here the date and time of battle and the name of the player you were attacking.
Also we will need your username and realm number so that someone can investigate that specific battle and have provide you with either a confirmation of the bug, or an explanation of what the problem was.

Thank you

Title: Re: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: mordu on August 31, 2014, 08:37:55 AM
sorry i just read your message. here are the details you asked. Thanks

Date and time: 26.08.2014 09:51
Username: marksubang
player attacked: ETfoneHOME
Realm: 240

Title: Re: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: Angela on September 01, 2014, 11:23:33 AM
The melee units in your frontline ran from the battle field due to a low morale when their morale dropped below 50 (49 morale points exactly) in round 7. It is not a bug, the morale shown in the battle report is the group morale for the whole army. The archers and artillery (catapults and ballistae) continued attacking, the morale of the artillery dropped and they ran away, and the archers ran after them. The opponent had built towers which were inflicting damages to the army even though there wasn't any garrison in the fortress. It would be helpful if you have sent more ballistae and swordsmen instead of spearmen.

Title: Re: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: wguard on September 24, 2014, 02:47:47 AM
Same happened to me  on realm 209, i got the reply from support that my troops morale was 44, but the battle report shows they left at moral 71. after i have sent the exact same image back to support i no longer received an answer.

This is either an exploit or a hack from my point of view...


So please clarify.


Title: Re: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: Angela on September 27, 2014, 11:59:15 AM
Hello wguard
The decrease of the morale depends on the damages the units suffer during the battle, so different battle lines consisted of different units have different morale values during the battle rounds. The morale value shown in the battle report here is the average value of the morale losses of all units in the army.
The units in your front line fled from the battle field after round 9 because their morale dropped below 50 (44 as you were told). The archers and the catapults continued the battle against the fortress walls and garrison and managed to destroy the fortress, catapults left due to a low morale and the archers won the battle with the garrison unit.

Title: Re: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: wguard on September 28, 2014, 15:45:55 PM
Ok, ty for the clarification,
how can i see this information (troop moral evolution by battle lines), not to mention that in the battle simulator the troops will only flee when the average moral is below 50, in all simulations i have never seen one where front line troops leave and archers+catapults remain. I at least want to be able to estimate it properly.

Title: Re: Melee troop just suddenly retreat for no reason
Post by: Angela on September 29, 2014, 09:44:42 AM
The information will be available in future in the improved animated battle report.
Making more simulations with the battle simulator before the battle might help you to get closer results to the real battle, set higher military researches fro the opponent, premium, choose the formation which brings you less losses, don't send the attack if the moral in one of the simulations drops below 50.