Imperia Online International

IO - Classic and Version 4 Realms => Realm 10 [x4] => Topic started by: pitheart on September 23, 2009, 18:25:38 PM

Title: uknown
Post by: pitheart on September 23, 2009, 18:25:38 PM
why and how am i being spied by a 0 pt player i never catch his spy with a lvl8 outpost and yet he has 0 points....

Title: Re: uknown
Post by: tiger on September 23, 2009, 19:34:50 PM
nope, the player is spying you with atleast 2 lvl higher spying then your outpost so you are getting message thap player is unknown- you dont know who spies on you. you dont see his name. his name isnt "unknown". and some player took name unknown to make fun of players who dont know what i just told you.  *hihi* *hihi*