Imperia Online International

IO - Classic and Version 4 Realms => Questions => Topic started by: martreic on January 23, 2008, 11:36:28 AM

Title: Cost for centralization too high?
Post by: martreic on January 23, 2008, 11:36:28 AM
As I am stil a newbie, I wonder how to conquer my first province...

The manual says, you need to develop centralization first and then move an army of 500 into the neighbouring province.
So far, so clear.
The development cost for centralization should be according to the explanation (if you click the hyperlink) 800 wood, 100 iron, 400 stone and 1900 gold.
However I should pay much more ( about 28000 wood, 1800 iron, 18000 stone an 56000 gold).
What is wrong here?
Did the game designers change this and did not actualize the manual?
Or do I have to build something else first?
Or is it simply a bug?

And when qould you start colonizing? First push your starting province to, say so 30000 people, or as soon as possible?

Thanks for your help.


Title: Re: Cost for centralization too high?
Post by: k_mihai on January 23, 2008, 11:38:28 AM
is not a bug, you play in a game with new rules, but the in-game description wasn`t changed. the more expensive price is the right one

Title: Re: Cost for centralization too high?
Post by: martreic on January 23, 2008, 12:12:14 PM
ok, so I have to wait a little more, before starting to have a look over the fence...

so how would you go on from now on?
first get as many people in your province as possible?
oder save resources and then , as soon as possible, conquer provinces?

Title: Re: Cost for centralization too high?
Post by: k_mihai on January 23, 2008, 12:13:26 PM
i built 800 spears + 200 archers and stole the resources from my neighbors. i`m not very patient  :D