Imperia Online International

IO - The Great People => Realm 177 => Topic started by: matadorok on January 31, 2016, 06:07:31 AM

Title: növekedés
Post by: matadorok on January 31, 2016, 06:07:31 AM

this is an example.
net 300,000 points yesterday.
in front of 150,000 net points. and so on

Previous era. MARS players association have been canceled due to bug use.
Now another alliance rises rapidly from day to day.
I do not think that this is just the diamond.
How long will the world let this 177

Title: Re: növekedés
Post by: BordaHorda on January 31, 2016, 08:00:16 AM

Hi matadorok!

1. Reporting players by opening a forum topic is absolutely forbidden. For reporting please use Topics concerning player reporting will be removed without prior warning.
2. When reporting a player you should provide your username as well. Use the e-mail you created your account with when writing to the above-mentioned e-mail. Anonymous reports will be ignored.
3. You can report no more than 5 players at a time. Player who has been previously reported but no ban reasons were found for him can’t be reported for the next 2 weeks.
4. Provide the full info on him you have when reporting a player. If you want to report someone it is logical that you have some observation on him and you will be able to point certain aspects of his/her game that you might consider as cheating. Reports consisting of a single line like “please check players A and B cause they are suspicious” or “please check players A and B for multiaccounting” as well as reports without good bases will be ignored.
5. It is forbidden to abuse the answer you received from IO team. The fact that someone was punished on your signal doesn’t allow you to brag about that. Such cases of abuse will be awarded ingame bans.

Title: Re: növekedés
Post by: matadorok on February 01, 2016, 06:57:52 AM
Hi matadorok!
Na ez a vicc kategória. Én bizonyítsam 5 emberrel a gyanút, amikor elég csak rá nézni egy szakembernek.

1. Reporting players by opening a forum topic is absolutely forbidden. For reporting please use Topics concerning player reporting will be removed without prior warning.
2. When reporting a player you should provide your username as well. Use the e-mail you created your account with when writing to the above-mentioned e-mail. Anonymous reports will be ignored.
3. You can report no more than 5 players at a time. Player who has been previously reported but no ban reasons were found for him can’t be reported for the next 2 weeks.
4. Provide the full info on him you have when reporting a player. If you want to report someone it is logical that you have some observation on him and you will be able to point certain aspects of his/her game that you might consider as cheating. Reports consisting of a single line like “please check players A and B cause they are suspicious” or “please check players A and B for multiaccounting” as well as reports without good bases will be ignored.
5. It is forbidden to abuse the answer you received from IO team. The fact that someone was punished on your signal doesn’t allow you to brag about that. Such cases of abuse will be awarded ingame bans.