Imperia Online International

World Cup => News => Topic started by: Angela on September 27, 2014, 09:56:20 AM

Title: QUALIFIERS 2014 - General Terms and Conditions
Post by: Angela on September 27, 2014, 09:56:20 AM
Qualifications for forming national teams

- Start on 08.10.2014 at 15:00 pm, server time [GMT+2]
- Free registration
- The Top 10 teams of the 2013 World Cup will receive between themselves a total of 500,000 diamonds in the Alliance treasury, as a reward for their previous accomplishments.

General Terms & Conditions:

- Only accounts at more than 500 net worth points and registered at least one month before the Qualifiers are eligible to participate; Imperia Online employees are barred from participation
- Managing more than one account is allowed.
- All registered users will have, in the ranking and in the profile, marking signs for ‘National Candidate in World Cup 2014’ until the end of the Qualifications.
- When registering, the country the account is register from is selected, and the player will automatically start representing the selected nationality in the tournament.
- Players compete only with their compatriots, i.e. each country has its own separate ranking.
- All purchased diamonds left after Qualifications’ end can be transferred to another Version 6 account of yours. The players who have been qualified for the World Cup will have their diamonds, Premium and bonus caskets to the special realm of the Tournament.