Title: Lost troops Post by: Daedulus on September 17, 2014, 05:41:25 AM [battleRep=541402]Daedulus Vs saintluke[/battleRep] Note the forces I had left from that one attack.
[battleRep=541569]saintluke Vs Daedulus[/battleRep] Note how few arrived on this attack when I sent all of the above and the other force into combat. Good bye! Title: Re: Lost troops Post by: Angela on September 17, 2014, 10:49:12 AM Hello Daedulus,
Please write the time and date of the battles. Could you add more details about the problem in the second battle? Did you choose to send the same army composition sent in the first battle and added more units from the Command center? Title: Re: Lost troops Post by: Daedulus on September 19, 2014, 09:01:52 AM Hello Daedulus, I would suggest that if you needed to have that info, you should be asking the programmer. Alternartively, you can look and see when I made the post with the complaint in it.Please write the time and date of the battles. Quote Could you add more details about the problem in the second battle? Nope; too late now.Quote Did you choose to send the same army composition sent in the first battle and added more units from the Command center? Nope.Title: Re: Lost troops Post by: Muwe on September 19, 2014, 09:05:16 AM Hi,
At the time Angela asked for the information needed (which you should have included in the first place) it wasnt too late. Next time when you face this problem, please include as many details as possible. Better to give out more info then not enough, as giving not enough slows down the resolution. But i`m sure you knew that. Just that you checked for a reply too late. Cheers Title: Re: Lost troops Post by: Daedulus on September 22, 2014, 20:31:11 PM I kinda figured that I'd get a lame response. And since I've been driven from the game, why should I check back?
BTW, caravans aren't getting their goods delivered either. Nothing gets saved so I can't tell you what to look for. |