Imperia Online International

IO II: Age of Conquest => Realm 50 => Topic started by: rstdalibor on May 20, 2012, 12:48:34 PM

Title: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: rstdalibor on May 20, 2012, 12:48:34 PM
They escaped in V-mode when we declare war to them....

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: KoSaC on May 20, 2012, 13:10:58 PM
 *hahaha* *hahaha* *hahaha* *hahaha* This is legendary

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: ninke on May 20, 2012, 15:15:12 PM
yep , that is IO anno 2012  *freak*

Maybe IO must change the rule.....vacation mode while you have war = 50 (or 100) diamonds , they will think twice before all running in mode then and IO can sell  more diamonds  :D

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: DeMarco on May 20, 2012, 16:13:36 PM   12h  war   and next one  5h     we need to research cartography  40 to catch enemy before they go to vacation     :hard: :hard: *freak*

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: NeverGiveUp on May 20, 2012, 16:38:34 PM
epic..but thrs no shame in running..they might be stuck in some RL the way u all can get banned for insulting an alliance/player in forum for the reason that he follows game rules (going into vacation is no cheating) :D

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: ninke on May 20, 2012, 16:44:13 PM
yep , every time war is declared they are busy in RL , just till war end and then again they have time  *GIRL_CRAZY*

Btw I am  not insulting alliances ,I  just give ideas how IO can sell more diamonds :D

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: NeverGiveUp on May 20, 2012, 19:01:34 PM
yep , every time war is declared they are busy in RL , just till war end and then again they have time  *GIRL_CRAZY*

Btw I am  not insulting alliances ,I  just give ideas how IO can sell more diamonds :D

  *tired* so boring..just killed every one in my 2X (some 3-5 X also) and 100 distance again..will crash my army in some fort as i hv nothing much to do over here..cant pay 1.5 mil army upkeep any more :D

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: KoSaC on May 21, 2012, 00:08:32 AM
  *tired* so boring..just killed every one in my 2X (some 3-5 X also) and 100 distance again..will crash my army in some fort as i hv nothing much to do over here..cant pay 1.5 mil army upkeep any more :D
Save your army you will need it when we get enough money for next war  *freak* *freak* *freak* *freak* *freak*

Title: Re: this post should be: hall of the shame
Post by: NeverGiveUp on May 21, 2012, 05:21:19 AM
Save your army you will need it when we get enough money for next war  *freak* *freak* *freak* *freak* *freak*
i just checked...we have 51 mil in treasury... we can war after tmrw once i rebuild my army with war income :D