Imperia Online International

IO II: Age of Conquest => Questions => Topic started by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 13:19:23 PM

Title: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 13:19:23 PM
i did on of these this morning. at least i think i did.

anyway when i click on my happy faces only my main province shows a festival.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 04, 2010, 14:17:23 PM
New happiness model will be available in a half an hour, so any problems with happiness window will be discussed later.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 14:19:53 PM
can we have a proper explanaition of new model please :)

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 04, 2010, 14:23:50 PM
It is going to be available in ingame manual, but fine:

It is calculated and updated live. Daily bonuses and tax minuses are distributed proportionally per every minute (just the way resources are given). For example, if you have minus 5 Happiness, as a result from a very low tax rate, +5 Happiness from Fortress level 5, +4 from University 12, +10 from Temple 5, 20 capital bonus (if the province is a capital), then you'll be receiving ~ 0,0237 Happiness per minute. Single time bonuses and minuses are accounted right the way and their effect on the Happiness is immediate and fully applied at once.

Tax is exacted only from hired population. It's calculated every time you change the rate, so its gold profits and effects (positive or negative) on the happiness are taken into account right the way, which means that if you set low tax rate at 2 pm and change it to high rate at 3 pm, between 2 pm and 3 pm you will be having gold income and happiness minus correspondent to the low tax and from 3 pm - gold income and happiness minus correspondent to high tax. Both, gold income and happiness losses, are distributed proportionally and received or subtracted every minute. The gold portions are given, accounting always the current amount of workers, not the amount of workers at the moment when the tax rate was set, so the population growth during the following hours as well as the killed population in case of a Pillage are both taken into consideration while calculating each gold portion. The sum is stored in the capital’s treasury, from which it’s extracted automatically while building and researching or paying out army upkeep, regardless where all this takes place.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 14:42:36 PM
so its calculated every minute and averaged over the day.

tax is also changeable on a live basis now as well.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 14:45:34 PM

Daily happiness effects    Today
Current happiness    119.81/120
Capital Bonus    +20
Alliance Loyalty Status bonus    +1
University bonus    +3
Province army bonus    +14
Fortress bonus[4]    +4
Temple bonus[1]    +2
Tax[High]    -50
Total happiness for 24 hours    -6/24h
Time left until migration    21:42
Empire's average Happiness    112.57

this is my calculation side

so i am heading for -6 for that day?

i have a festival running which is +6

so i should average out at same as i started is this corect?

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 04, 2010, 15:34:13 PM
You have -6 distributed proportionally every minute > -6/24/60 = minus happiness lost every minute

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 04, 2010, 16:10:44 PM
and does this effect extend to my beloved vassals?  are they getting happier by the minute instead of by the day, week, month?

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 04, 2010, 16:22:14 PM
and does this effect extend to my beloved vassals?  are they getting happier by the minute instead of by the day, week, month?

Your beloved vassal don't have any daily bonuses. The only happiness effect they can experience is a festival.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 04, 2010, 16:25:43 PM
Your beloved vassal don't have any daily bonuses. The only happiness effect they can experience is a festival.

unbelievable, i can´t even pay for them to be happier!  i´m fairly certain that my vassals are composed of ovulating females not intereste or capable of being happy...2 more days and 1 festival to be able to annex 1 of the 2 bitches, cockroaches have a gestation period inferior to happiness recovery of my vassals in the 1st circle*kissgirl* *kissgirl* *kissgirl*

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 04, 2010, 16:31:54 PM
i also realized that the job availability bonus disappeared, is this correct?

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 04, 2010, 16:51:23 PM
i also realized that the job availability bonus disappeared, is this correct?

Yep, technically impossible in the new model.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 17:03:01 PM
ok but in addition to my quoted figures i have a plus 6 festival. so that means i am not loosing anything?

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 04, 2010, 17:17:24 PM
ok but in addition to my quoted figures i have a plus 6 festival. so that means i am not loosing anything?

Yes :)

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 18:33:33 PM
thanks. now why is it only showing in one province :)

perhaps as smaller provinces were at maximum happy but that seems unfair as i will hire army there later.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: nekodrugi on November 04, 2010, 19:48:24 PM
unbelievable, i can´t even pay for them to be happier!  i´m fairly certain that my vassals are composed of ovulating females not intereste or capable of being happy...2 more days and 1 festival to be able to annex 1 of the 2 bitches, cockroaches have a gestation period inferior to happiness recovery of my vassals in the 1st circle*kissgirl* *kissgirl* *kissgirl*

Ha ha ha ha ha ha

I just love this guy.

He is saying what i'm thinking about vasals


Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 04, 2010, 21:38:01 PM
well i am sorry to report that once again festival is doing nothing.

despite what is said previously my happy is dropping when my festival should stop this.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 05, 2010, 11:07:02 AM
well i am sorry to report that once again festival is doing nothing.

despite what is said previously my happy is dropping when my festival should stop this.

Hmmm.... I'm afraid you're thinking in a wrong direction. Let's see if I can explain:

It is calculated and updated live. Daily bonuses (listed below) and tax minuses are distributed proportionally per every minute (just the way resources are given). For example, if you have minus 5 Happiness, as a result from a very low tax rate, +5 Happiness from Fortress level 5, +4 from University 12, +10 from Temple 5, 20 capital bonus (if the province is a capital), then you'll be receiving ~ 0,0237 Happiness per minute. Single time bonuses and minuses (also listed below) are accounted right the way and their effect on the Happiness is immediate and fully applied at once.

All stuff at the left part of your happiness window are daily bonuses or minuses which form the happiness balance - this thing for example "Total happiness for 24 hours       +3/24h". The daily bonuses are received every minute proportionally, like resources are given. At the right part of the window you have the single time bonuses or minuses which are applied right the way completely, i.e. they're not distributed proportionally but received fully. They can increase/decrease the current happiness, but they have nothing to do with your happiness balance that can be modified only by a change in a daily bonus or minus.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 05, 2010, 11:20:35 AM

so festivals are only to counteract army rescruiting and broken fortresses and such.

thats fine but twice now i have activated in all provinces and only recieved it in one.

i think if your at maximum happy you just dont get it in a province which is wrong as you may need it later.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 05, 2010, 11:26:30 AM
and another thing is wrong

if i start my festival and get +6 bonus.

then hire 3 army then the army comes off even though my festival outweighs them

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 05, 2010, 11:33:32 AM
and another thing is wrong

if i start my festival and get +6 bonus.

then hire 3 army then the army comes off even though my festival outweighs them

You don't have to sum single time bonuses. You don't have to make them even. They don't form some kind of balance like the daily bonuses do. Single time bonuses are just applied to the current happiness and you have to follow if your current value is reaching the max value or not.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 05, 2010, 11:40:19 AM
its a bit unfair that i have a +6 festival and will still loose -1 if i hire even one army.

i can adjust my strategy thats fine but its not right.

as is the broken start festival in all provinces button.

thanks for your help though.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 05, 2010, 12:53:13 PM
its a bit unfair that i have a +6 festival and will still loose -1 if i hire even one army.

i can adjust my strategy thats fine but its not right.

as is the broken start festival in all provinces button.

thanks for your help though.

I'd like to see your account, because, according to what you say, there is nothing wrong. I don't understand your point here "its a bit unfair that i have a +6 festival and will still loose -1 if i hire even one army" - why is that? why you think it's unfair. They're two different factors, one is positive, the other one is negative, they're not correlated, like the daily bonuses are. I'll repeat once again.- single time bonuses and minuses don't form a balance number, like daily factors do, single time factors are just accounted to the current happiness individually and separately from all other kind of bonuses.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: tiger on November 05, 2010, 13:21:54 PM
Well, why dont you train army first and use festival after that. That way you will still be on maximum hapiness, if thats your goal.
Order of festivals and army recruiting is importan only if you are close or on maximum hapiness.
If you are on say 115, you start festival for +6 and then recruit some army.   115 + 6 = 120(if 120 is maximum, you cant go over).  then rmy is 120-1 = 119
If you first recruit, you will get 115-1 = 114 + 6 = 120.
If you are on 110, then it doesnt matter.
It takes little of strategic thinking. But it isnt so hard.
like with fortresses building. If you are on maximum hapiness, you lose that +5 one time bonus. Maybe you can wait till calculation of hapiness and build new fort when hapiness will be 5 below maximum.
I hope that helps atleast a little.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 05, 2010, 13:42:17 PM
tiger is correct. i must hire army first then use festival.

i still say its a bit unfair as if i have a one time + 6 i should be able to spend that on army etc. but its not a huge thing.

i did festival yesterday because i didnt understand different between live side and one time side.

just to be absoloutly clear if my happy face says 120 at calculation time thats what i get for the migration calc. (just in capital of course)

also is it still one day delayed.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: yovanna on November 05, 2010, 15:28:12 PM
tiger is correct. i must hire army first then use festival.

i still say its a bit unfair as if i have a one time + 6 i should be able to spend that on army etc. but its not a huge thing.

i did festival yesterday because i didnt understand different between live side and one time side.

just to be absoloutly clear if my happy face says 120 at calculation time thats what i get for the migration calc. (just in capital of course)

also is it still one day delayed.

It's not one day delayed. It's in real time. You participate in migration with average happiness of your empire (on the bottom of the window) which is based solely on current values - the values you see in your window.

And, yes, it's better to make festivals just before migration.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 05, 2010, 19:59:16 PM
tiger i need your strategic thinking, i need to get rid of my vassals.  19 days later they are still hooked onto my nuts and i can´t rid of them.

please define e strategy for getting rid of vassals....

a nice weekend to all!!!!

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: redborg on November 05, 2010, 21:48:37 PM
only way is to set tax to 0 and i see you can now do a festival in them.

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 06, 2010, 12:12:21 PM
i hate vassals...they suck.  not only are they bitches the people that live in them they also are extremely picky folk.  how is that a vassal at 100/108 is not happy enough to be annexed?  they really have to be 108/108 to be annexed?  what sort of game is this?  where is the justice?  where is the realism?  where is f*!%/!g waldo, obviously not in my kingdom cause I rule over nothing in it!!!  kinda like in RL.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: nekodrugi on November 06, 2010, 18:10:13 PM
i hate vassals...they suck.  not only are they bitches the people that live in them they also are extremely picky folk.  how is that a vassal at 100/108 is not happy enough to be annexed?  they really have to be 108/108 to be annexed?  what sort of game is this?  where is the justice?  where is the realism?  where is f*!%/!g waldo, obviously not in my kingdom cause I rule over nothing in it!!!  kinda like in RL.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


My hero  *hahaha*

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 06, 2010, 20:42:57 PM
107,98/108, 0,02 happiness and these vassals still arent happy enuff to be annexed....ovulating, histerical women that want parmegian cheese and I am offering swiss....

vassals suck!!!!!

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 06, 2010, 20:46:34 PM
now on 107,99/108, it seems like it´s taking 300 years to get to 108.....

vassals suck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 06, 2010, 20:47:52 PM
ladies and gentlemen i am at 108/108 happiness, i go to the map and no annex option exists....

can someone please explain how i enslave my people?

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 06, 2010, 20:56:52 PM
figured it out needed army in the more vassals, annexes rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: nekodrugi on November 06, 2010, 23:00:44 PM
figured it out needed army in the more vassals, annexes rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ehh lucky you. That was fast. You used diamonds????

My vassals are still screwing me down. 97.71/106

Looong way ahead of me. And what frustrate me even more is that it's the LAST province i need to annex so i can box my province  :rant:

By the way it was first province i vassal *suicide**suicide**suicide*

Mistake that last for 2 weeks already and when i think that initially that province had 600 pop and with highest tax gave me 29 gold . .  . . . . .

Now i'm paying with BLOOD to dig it out

 :evil3: :rant: :head_hurts_kr: *WALL* *suicide*

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: numpty on November 06, 2010, 23:31:22 PM
once u annex one the other is already thinking about vassaling another and complaining about

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: nekodrugi on November 07, 2010, 00:37:58 AM
once u annex one the other is already thinking about vassaling another and complaining about

Ehh if i can only box my province. For 3 day's already i can't do it and have to wait 3 more day's  *xxx*

Title: Re: festival in all provinces.
Post by: beicumine on November 07, 2010, 17:31:13 PM
 *stop* *Angry*