Imperia Online International

IO - Classic and Version 4 Realms => Realm 4 => Topic started by: Machucado on July 25, 2008, 17:51:11 PM

Title: Iloveyou Vs Cangaru
Post by: Machucado on July 25, 2008, 17:51:11 PM
I don't need to prove anything my dear friend. Everyone knows my achievement, I don't need to join nomads to prove anything and I really ran out of credits, take it or leave it. It's up to you to believe or not. I'd said my piece, the rest is up to you.

This topic is abt me winning the battle of cangaru and I got medal so I got the praises of my friends. Time to lock this topic to prevent it from further spam.

You have said on numerous occasions that you are trying to prove that playing as warrior is easier than farming. Well the only thing you have proved is that it is easy to get MP:s playing as a farmer. Guess what, Johnny, EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW THAT  *hahaha* *hahaha*

It happens every era, some farmer does a half a dozen attacks and gets more MP:s than someone that has actually played the game an entire era.

If you want to post every half decent battle you have, great, go ahead. With your net worth, you should be able to get a medal for each successfull attack, it should be easy. It is easy with high net worth.

Most good players in this game learn how to play with success after only one era, beith strong economy, low points, mid points, whatever. Other weaker players, learn after 4-5 eras, which is great too.

A suggestion, Johnny, if you want respect from other players, try playing low points, or medium points and win something.  *rose*

Title: Re: Iloveyou Vs Cangaru
Post by: tiger on July 26, 2008, 12:03:29 PM
And kingy you are lucky that i promissed i wont enter debate with you anymore. Because you gave me a lot of material in your thread about great victory.
Good luck to you and you are not doing that for all farmers, you are doing it for yourself so that few people who doesnt know you may think how good you are.
And again, who and what made you the best???? Please stop braging and looking constant attention. And everybody will leave you alone.

Title: Re: Iloveyou Vs Cangaru
Post by: reni on July 27, 2008, 19:30:19 PM
+karma for Machucado. I was angry when kingy closed the topic and didn't thought for this fine and simple solution :D I'm enlightened  *hahaha*

Well... kingy, you say you don't need to prove anything. Then why are you posting the battle report here?

Kingy... you are not good at anything. Strategically you played the worst game possible to win it military in r4.
You are not good even in farming and that was the reason why you refused to play nomads.
You are even worse in friendships and diplomacy, creating many artificial enemies, which attack you in every occasion.
Your legendary vanity make people play IO just to enjoy it by pillaging you.

Thats all!  *pardon*