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1  Invazija Nomada / Pitanja / Vojno izvešće na: Siječanj 24, 2011, 06:53:07
Drugovi, dali se u svetovima V5 može na neki način pokazati vojno izvešće saveznicima? U svetovima V4 to je veoma jednostavno, samo kopiraš i šalješ u poruci. Hvala i pozzz
2  IO - klasični i V4 svjetovi / Pitanja / kako zaustaviti psihića na: Prosinac 16, 2010, 01:35:58
evo, imam problema s jednim igračem. bili smo mali savez u svijetu 18 i odmah su nas dočekali on i njegovi. napadali nas neprekidno. ali smo sada mi počeli rasturavati njih. njihov vođa misli da je to nepravda i neprekidno mi šalje neke bolesne i konfuzne poruke, prijeti istragom od strane administracije Imperie, misli da imam više računa, jučer čak je otkrio dvije prijestolnice u mom carstvu ... mislim da nešto nije u redu s njim jer su mi i prijatelji iz druguh saveza ispričali slično - šalje bolesne poruke i odmah te prijavi administraciji samo ako mu odgovoriš "bu".

evo kako izgledaju njegove poruke
You have two capitals, that's impossible when you put a spy on your provinces. In all the realms I've played, those players with two capitals have always had more than two accounts in one world. Imperia's main computer can locate the problem itself. It is possible that you're attacking your other account. You're in serious trouble Is that nobody knows the rules of the game And take a photo of your two capital, the provinces 8 and 13
Soon administration of the game will take care of everything. I do not know all of you who bother when someone attacks one of his many accounts they hold. Most players have more than two accounts in this realm. player "1menes" has more than one account. Polki has more than one account, and the list continues. I'm not playing with cheats, then in your alliance with several multiaccounting and already confirmed. If you want to play well with traps, nobody will stop. If you are careful accounts nobody will stop. I've seen that change of flags, and nobody will stop. And very close to my provinces 3 players are attacking themselves to grow their other accounts that have 200 000 points. The Latin American posing as Europeans. Men put women nicknames for anyone touching them, but they are men. And won all of you ... and others who are in 1 ranking. And trap. I do not play with cheaters, and left my account. I do not care about anything. these games are for losers, for people with low self-esteem. Most people who play here are old ... and lazy End of message. Losers If you do not understand English give the message to another that if you understand, because I do not know to translate
3  IO - klasični i V4 svjetovi / Pitanja / povlacenje armije na: Prosinac 10, 2010, 05:15:05
zdravo, evo zanima me dali postoji mogucnost davanja komande "povlaci se" za vojsku u provinciji. to postoji u svetovima verzije 4.

i jos, zar ovde u svetovima 5 nema online artilerije?

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