Imperia Online International

IO - Classic and Version 4 Realms => Realm 13 => Topic started by: sirbalyan on January 20, 2012, 16:31:08 PM

Title: in one hour I get less production than the rate shown in the "empire" tab
Post by: sirbalyan on January 20, 2012, 16:31:08 PM
I checked the production that i had and calculated what i should have an hour later by adding the hourly rate.  I was exact.  It turns out I received 13% less...  That is too much... Can anyone help with this problem ???

Title: Re: in one hour I get less production than the rate shown in the "empire" tab
Post by: fragmaster on January 20, 2012, 16:40:33 PM
whats ur alliance tax %?just hover mouse over ur wood stockpile and % deducted is shown,or in alliance menu

Title: Re: in one hour I get less production than the rate shown in the "empire" tab
Post by: sirbalyan on January 20, 2012, 17:22:54 PM
no  no  i have acounted for the tax.  it is 15%  I multiplied the rate by 0,85